Aghabullogue GAA

Founded 1884

Co. Cork

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Recent Aghabullogue GAA news and info

Christmas Gift Ideas

Looking for a Christmas gift for someone special in your life? Check out our shop on https://...

Throwback to 1989

U14 hurling team from 1989

Aghabullogue GAA Hall Committee AGM

Pitch Sign of the Week

This week's Pitch Sign comes from Main VW Dealer Blackwater Motors Volkswagen If you're looki...

U21 Mid Cork Champions 2019

Circa 1990

From the archives circa 1990

U16 Football team 2011

Another from the past, this time from 11 years ago.

Club Gear

Don't forget to order your club gear in time for Christmas

U14 County Hurling Champions 1974

Cork Camogie Champions 1980

County Champions from 42 years ago

1968 Mid Cork Minor Champions

A bit of a blast from the past

Junior B Football Fixture moved to Ballyanly

Best of Luck. Game is now on in BALLYANLY at 1pm

Junior B Football League Semi Final

Best of luck to our Junior B Football team on Sunday at 1pm

November Rebels Bounty Draw

Congratulations to our November winners in our monthly internal Club Draw

November Rebels Bounty Draw

The Rebels’ Bounty Draw for November will take place on Thursday 24th in Aghabullogue GAA comp...

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